Summer Solace Tallow
Learn Our Favorite Tallow Benefits

Why our regenerative, organic tallow?

There are so many options for skincare products on the market these days it can take time to decide which are suitable for you and your skin. Is organic tallow good for the skin? And what distinguishes it from other natural moisturizers like coconut oil, sunflower oil, shea butter, and all the others? While some of these ingredients may also have their merits, none surpass the benefits of grass-fed, pasture-raised, organic tallow for the skin. The beauty of this healthful fat lies in its simplicity and ability to truly nourish your skin from the outside.   

Summer Solace Tallow - Seele Salt Scrub - Regenerative Tallow™ - Scrub
Deeply Nourishing

The Benefits of Tallow for Skin

Our skin is our body's largest organ and is incredibly absorbent and responsive to what we put on it. Due to the specific structural and nutritional makeup of organic grass-fed tallow, it is one of the most bioavailable natural moisturizers on the planet. Unlike vegetable oils, tallow's animal origins mean that it naturally contains identical lipids in healthy human skin. This structure renders it supremely capable of absorbing quickly and penetrating deeply, providing intense skin restoration at the cellular level.

Grass-fed, pasture-raised tallow also contains copious amounts of vitamins A, D, K, E, and B12. It is rich in essential fatty acids that help maintain the skin's structural integrity. Its abundant nutrient profile supports the natural production of collagen. It provides anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties, all of which help to treat and soothe dry skin and immune responses like eczema and rosacea.

As an occlusive material, tallow mimics the skin's natural barrier, providing protection from environmental and elemental wear and tear and helping retain essential moisture.

Better for You

Stays Fresh Naturally

Our regenerative, organic tallow balm is also remarkably shelf-stable, especially in comparison with most vegetable and seed oils used in body care products which go rancid quickly as they're stripped of their antioxidant properties during the refining process. Rancid oils are not just unpleasant but can be toxic to the skin and cause an inflammatory response. Tallow can be stored for years without adding stabilizers or preservatives, making tallow for skin care invaluable.  

Committed to Reversing Climate

Truly Regenerative - Leading the Slow Body Care Movement™

Grass-fed, pasture-raised tallow benefits are more than just skin deep. At Summer Solace, we make each buttery smooth batch of nourishing tallow in-house and by hand with exclusively locally sourced suet from certified regeneratively raised cattle.

More than organic, the ranches we work with practice beyond sustainable methods that draw carbon down from the atmosphere and directly assist in reversing the effects of climate change.

These animals are responsibly raised and grazed on Northern California pastures within 60 miles of our Oakland studio, helping us minimize transportation's impact, lower our carbon footprint, and maintain healthy relationships with our ranchers.

Our commitment to a fully traceable, locally-focused supply chain is unparalleled in the health and wellness industry. We are ceaselessly working to revitalize our ancestors' wise traditional skin care practices by drawing these connections between ourselves, our community, and our local environment in all facets.

Better for the Planet

What is Regenerative Agriculture?

Regenerative farming is an approach to agriculture that focuses on restoring and improving the health of the soil, enhancing biodiversity, and promoting long-term sustainability. It is often considered a holistic and ecological approach to farming.

The key principles of regenerative farming include:

This involves practices such as minimizing or eliminating tilling, using cover crops, crop rotation, and composting. These practices help to improve soil structure, increase organic matter content, enhance water retention capacity, and foster beneficial microbial activity.

This can be achieved through methods like planting diverse crops, integrating livestock, creating wildlife habitats, and preserving natural areas. Increased biodiversity can lead to a more balanced ecosystem, which can help control pests and diseases naturally.

Techniques like conservation tillage, mulching, and precision irrigation help to conserve water resources and prevent soil erosion and nutrient runoff into water bodies.

Actively working towards sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in the soil. This is achieved through techniques like agroforestry, cover cropping, rotational grazing, and composting, which increase the organic matter content of the soil.

By reducing reliance on external inputs such as synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and antibiotics, and instead, emphasizing natural systems and processes that promote self-sufficiency, such as using natural fertilizers, adopting biological pest control methods, and practicing crop diversification.

Our Organic Tallow Absorbs Easily
Organic Tallow is Deeply moisturizing
Summer Solace Tallow is rich in essential fatty acids
Tallow Contains Vitamins A, D, K, E, & B12
Stays Fresh Naturally without Preservatives
Provides protection from environmental & elemental wear